Its been quite some time since I have spent some blog writing time. One of the most significant things I have become aware of as of late, is the fact that so many people expect things in their life to happen a certain way. Its as if we are the rulers of our own universe. We forget that the universe may have something else in store for us. We forget that its not just about us and our world.

We choose when and where we go to college, what we do professionally, who we date, marry, how many kids we have, where we live, what kind ofΒ lifestyle we follow, what car we drive, maybe even the sex of a baby. Yup that’s right, even down to choosing if you want a boy or a girl.

Don’t get me wrong, it is amazing that so many people have been fortunate enough to grow up in parts of world and a time in history when they can choose so much of their path, and we should all have that right. The problem is that so many people have grown so accustomed to mapping out their entire little life that when things don’t go their way it creates a tsunami effect.

There needs to be a balance and acceptance for the universe as a whole. For people that are more adaptable and accustomed to things happening that are out of their control and having to deal with the effects, it doesn’t create the same amount of anxiety and distress. I don’t know that anyone every gets used to loss, but the more someone is used to ‘life happening’ the better they get at adapting and embracing their journey.

There is always going to be a certain amount of processing and adjusting when things happen that you didn’t want to happen. This is natural of course!! The point is that the more we have acceptance for the universe, for our destiny’s, we are better able to deal with some of these ‘unexpected events’. We are better able to roll with the punches, to take life as it presents itself, even if it wasn’t part of our plan. xo