The skinny on FAT
Fats aren’t all bad for you. I feel this is a misconception created years ago amidst other diet trends. Yes, the hydrogenated fats or “trans” fats used in prepared, processed foods can be extremely damaging to the body which is why they are outlawed in some states. These fats can be damaging to your cardiovascular system, immune system and lead to a gamut of behavioral problems; not to mention weight gain, skin problems, high blood pressure and organ strain.
Unfortunately many people think fat makes you fat, and in fact this is quite the opposite. Our bodies need fat to burn fat. Fat is important for nutrient absorption of vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates; metabolism control; normalized hormone levels; insulation and lubrication. Without fat skin becomes dry and hair loses its luster. Fat also makes give you a sense of satiety and tastes good, it raises endorphins giving way to a sense of pleasure.
Sources of Healthy Fats: – Organic/local eggs, wild salmon, fish, meat.- Nuts and Seeds – especially almonds and walnuts.- Butters and Oils – sunflower, almond, coconut, ghee, lard, tallow, duck fat.
Organic, cold/first-pressed extra virgin olive oil, macadamia nut, walnut,
avocado, flaxseed, sesame oils.
– Full-fat dairy- Avocados
– Olives
– High Temperatures (stir-frying, baking) – ghee or coconut oil.- Lower Temperatures (sautéing) – extra virgin olive oil.- Unheated in sauces/salads – extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed, sesame, walnut.
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