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Chia Seeds

I have been meaning to write a post on Chia seeds for quite some time, so here we go!

Lets get down to business.  Chia seeds are gluten/grain free naturally, but one tablespoon (half an ounce) of chia seeds contains more calcium than a glass of milk, more Omega-3s than a serving of salmon, more antioxidants than a handful of blueberries, and a great source of protein.

Chia seeds contain: energy, essential fatty acids: alpha-linoleic and linoleic acid, fiber, mucin, 30% protein, A, E and B vitamins, and minerals including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, magnesium, in addition to anti-oxidants.

According to other sources the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans used chia as a staple of their diet and as an energy food.  Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language, and they were known as the “Indian Running Food” because runners and warriors would use them for sustenance while running long distances or during battle (Wellness Mama).

Chia seeds are currently being used for their nutritional and medicinal properties, endurance for athletes, for suppressing the appetite, weight loss, leveling blood sugar, and for aiding intestinal regularity.  Chia seeds dissolve in water, creating a substance that looks like gelatin.  This gel-forming action is due to the soluble fiber in the Chia seed.  This same gel-forming phenomenon takes place in the stomach when Chia seed is consumed, creating a physical barrier between carbohydrates and digestive enzymes, slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar.  Slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar helps stabilize blood glucose levels, which is critical in warding off diabetes, weight gain/obesity, inflammatory diseases, among others.
How Else is Chia Beneficial?

As if sprinkling chia seeds on your cereal or salad weren’t enough, Chia gel may be used to replace food within recipes.  It adds a nice little crunch and provides all sorts of nutrients.  Bulking up a meal with Chia gel helps lessen the amount of food consumed, since Chia gel is primarily made up of water.  Chia seeds can absorb more than 12 times its weight in water!  Chia gel may also be used in place of fats within recipes, even within baked goods.  Because of this, Chia seeds can prolong hydration, helping retain moisture and regulate the body’s absorption of nutrients and body fluids more efficiently.

“Indian Running Food Recipes”
-Thanks to Wellness Mama

1.  Smoothie Enhancer
Add a teaspoon or two of Chia seeds into your smoothie to enhance nutrients and provide sustenance!  Because they are flavorless they can be used in any kind of drink.

2.  As a Safe Egg Substitute
To substitute for an egg: Use 1 tablespoon finely ground Chia seeds (grind them dry in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder) and 3 tablespoons of water per egg in a baked recipe (does not work in place of eggs for omelets though…)

3.  To Make Chia Pudding
-2 cups of coconut milk/almond milk/ raw milk/water (your choice!)
-1/2 cup chia seeds
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
-1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of choice (optional)

Mix in a bowl or blender until smooth.  Place in the fridge and will thicken in about 10-15 minutes.  As you can see all you need are the chia seeds and a liquid, the rest is up to you!  There are lots of flavor variations – you can add cocoa powder, or a cup of strawberries/blueberries, or add cinnamon and nutmeg!

4.  To Thicken Soup or Gravies
Instead of cornstarch or other thickening agents, just add a couple tablespoons of chia seeds – powdered or not – to reach the desired thickness.

5.  To Make Grain Free Crackers
I have yet to try these!  Mix chia seeds with equal parts coconut milk and thicken, adding some garlic powder and sea salt, then bake at a low temp for a couple hours.

6.  To Thicken Meatballs
Throw in a couple tablespoons of chia seeds – per pound of meat – in place of breadcrumbs.  Also works to thicken meat-loafs, batters, etc.

7.  Sprouted for Salads
Put some chia seeds in water, drain the water off and leave in a jar for a couple days.  Every 12 hours or so, rinse with water and pour the water off.  In a day or two, you’ll have little chia sprouts!

8.  To Make Homemade Energy Gel
Add a couple tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of coconut water.  Let sit for about ten minutes and you’ll have an incredible energy gel!  Beats the socks off of Gatorade and other highly processed gels for hydration and energy and you get to avoid the fake colors, fake flavors and GMO corn.

9.  As a “Breading” for Fish and Chicken
Mixed with some almond flour and garlic powder, or even by itself, chia seeds make an excellent “breading” for fish or chicken.  It toasts up well and provides a nutty, crunchy flavor without the grains!

 Coconut Chia Seed + Mango Pudding Chia Seed Chocolate Pudding

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Its september in San Diego and figs are in season! Get your figs! They can be eaten raw and whole, seeds and skin! They are purplish in color, and have a sweet flavor. I like putting them in my cereal mixture or throwing them in a smoothie, although they are often dried. They can also be baked, made into jam or vinegar.

Figs are uniquely nutritious, containing the highest amount of calcium of any fruit. Figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber, a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, as well as vitamin K. Figs contain antioxidants and some studies have shown them to raise antioxidant activity. Antioxidants bind free radicals, meaning they no longer become a threat; as free radicals may contribute to the development of cancer, heart disease and the visible signs of aging by damaging DNA and other systems in the body. The riper the fig, the more antioxidants it contains.

Fig leaves are also surprisingly healthy. Various cultures use the leaves in cooking, particularly to wrap meats and fish. I’m always skeptical of research, but some studies have shown that an extract of fig leaves will increase insulin sensitivity, which may play a role in preventing diabetes. Other studies have shown fig leaves to reduce the likelihood of heart disease and possibly kill cancer cells!

Try a Fig Smoothie:
1/2 cup ice
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup aloe water
1/2 cup raw figs
1 tbsp almond butter and/or sunflower butter

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A Little Inspirational Fuel ..

We do the best we can with what we are given, or at least that’s the idea. Life is filled with obstacles and stresses for all of us – jobs are trying, households require cleaning as do pets and children, relationships take time and work, friendships need love too, then there’s money, and most of all we place pressures on ourselves – but amidst all of this, try and take moments to appreciate the journey. Remember to enjoy what is being presented to you and have fun. What would your life be like if you had no home? No food? No friends? Plus, does it really matter if your house is immaculate? And do you ever look back and think, “gee that was such a great time in my life,” yet maybe you wish you had enjoyed it more..I can honestly say “I do.”

I was talking to a friend the other night about his break up, and because this is something I have most certainly been through I could relate to how heavy his heart felt. There was nothing all that special I could say because loss of any kind is so painful, and heartache hurts like hell, but the more we discussed ‘appreciation’ the better we both felt. Had he not met her he wouldn’t be the person he is today. Instead of being so hurt, he became more appreciative of all that he experienced with her. I understand this doesn’t remove the pain, oh I understand, but it makes it more bearable when you can see the bigger picture. Not to mention, we both decided that allowing love into your life is such a beautiful thing and well worth all the turmoil we risk each time we open our hearts. These are the experiences that make us grow the MOST.

It is so easy to rush through each day non-appreciative, yet it’s so important to spend a few minutes each day being grateful for everything you do have. When you do this you may find more meaning and value in your life, and more appreciation for yourself. Even if you are unsure as to why something is being presented because it feels uncomfortable, instead of resisting, try and allow it into your life knowing that there is a likely reason you are going through whatever is facing you. Each of our lives is beautiful in so many ways.

Have faith in your path. xo

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Epigenetics — What Turns YOU On and Off?

Could a woman’s diet or weight while she’s pregnant impact whether her child has a higher risk of illness years later? Why don’t identical twins always have the same personality or same risk of disease, even though they have the same set of genes? The answers may lie in how our cells turn our genes on and off like a light switch.

We know that heredity does play a role in a large number of diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimers and cancer, but to what extent we do not know. Mutations in genes only account for a minuscule portion of the inherited risks, explains geneticist Evan Rosen of Harvard’s Beth Israel Deconess Medical Center in Boston. “We’re finding that the impact of genetics on health is much more complicated than just the DNA sequence in an individual’s genes,” further explains Rob Waterland, an associate professor of pediatrics and molecular and human genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Genes are essentially strings of DNA that serve as blueprints for synthesizing all sorts of proteins that make life possible, such as insulin, heart muscle, antibodies, among other things. Some of our 20,000 genes are always active, producing their proteins, while others get switched on and off at different times. What flips the switch? Epigenetic marks.

Lets get a little technical… A common example is a methyl group – which consists of a carbon atom bonded with three hydrogen atoms. When enough methyl groups become attached to a gene, they can turn the gene off. The same can happen when methyl groups become attached to the histone proteins that DNA strands wrap themselves around. But if enough acetyl groups – each consist of two carbons, one oxygen, and three hydrogen atoms – become attached to a histone, the gene may get switched on.

Some of these epigenetic marks appear soon after conception and last an entire lifetime, such as ones that tell the genes in brain cells to make more brain cells but not liver cells. Others can appear and disappear at any time, in response to diet, weight, stress, and exposure to tobacco or chemicals like DDT. Whats exciting about this is the concept of altering epigenetic marks with our diets.

So far researchers know that certain compounds in foods can change epigenetic marks in cancer cells, at least in test tubes. For example, the curcumin in tumeric, the EGCG in green tea, the genistein in soybeans, the resveratrol in grapes, and the sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli can hinder the enzymes that help attach methyl groups or remove the acetyl groups from genes. However, there is still a lot to be figured out such as whether people can absorb enough of these substances from food, whether the compounds they’re metabolized into can get to the right cells, and how rapidly we can clear, or remove, the compounds from our bodies.

What I find extremely interesting is the relationship between epigenetics and pregnancy.

For instance, Rob Waterland, among other researchers have found that the nutritional status of a mother during pregnancy can have a profound, lifelong impact on whether her children become overweight or obese. In studies looking at babies conceived during times of war, when food was scarce, those children were much more likely to be overweight or obese later in life. Researchers found that an important gene for growth during pregnancy (the blueprint for making insulin-like growth factor-2, or IGF2) was less methylated – more turned on – in people who had been conceived during the worst of the starvation period than in those who were less than six months away from being born.

Also very interesting are two more studies that examined 162 obese Canadian mothers who had children before, and then after, weight-loss surgery. The children who were born after the surgery were half as likely to grow up overweight or obese as the children who were born before the surgery. It was also discovered that the children born after the surgery were found to have different epigenetic marks than those born before the surgery. But its important to note that there could be other factors. For example, weight-loss surgery could have changed the women’s gut microflora or blood sugar levels, or how efficient their bodies were at using insulin to get glucose into the cells. These factors could have accounted, at least partly, for changes in their children’s weight.

But, its not just mothers who matter. In another study looking at 79 newborns, Duke University researchers reported that the gene for IGF2 was less methylated – more turned on – in those born to obese fathers than in those born to normal-weight fathers. This may very well increase those children’s risk of becoming obese adults.

How much newborns eat soon after birth is also critical. Just as the effects of newborns not receiving adequate nutrition can be deeply problematic, consuming too much can be equally detrimental. In a 2013 study, Rob Waterland and colleagues found that mice that were overfed during their first few weeks of life showed subtle changes in the methylation of genes in their hypothalamus that persisted into adulthood. (The hypothalamus is a specialized region of the brain that helps regulated body weight). These overfed mice grew up to become heavier and fatter adults. “Epigenetic changes can be induced by over-nutrition and may have a major long-term impact on behavior and weight,” says Waterland.

Genes aren’t everything. What we put in our bodies and what we expose ourselves to impacts us in much greater ways than we may have realized. Not only do food and drugs, toxins and chemicals affect our own epigenetics, but also those of our children and our great grand children.


–Epigenetics may help explain how diet, body weight, physical activity, stress, or exposure to chemicals may increase or decrease our risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses.
–We can’t change our genes, but we may be able to change our genes’ epigenetic marks with food or drugs.
–Not all epigenetic changes are beneficial.
–Use this information as a tool to be make better choices and be more aware of the impact we have on our bodies and those of our offspring!

Sources:Nutrition Action Newsletter July/August 2013

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What if you were Born into a Different World?

Emotions swirl under my skin as I spend time exploring more and more of Panama. I am in constant awe of this country, of course it is physically gratifying but there is also an underlying vibe that is warm and intriguing. As I bike around Bocas with the sun beating down on my back my eyes scan the bright houses, the little ‘tienditas,’ the kids gossiping as they walk home from school, and I can’t help but reflect on this world and my own. There is a beautiful rawness that pulls me in.

I can’t help but wonder how different my life would be if I had been born into a Panamanian household. There is part of me that walks, or floats around in awe of how simple the lifestyle is – such few expectations, judgements, hurtles, not to mention the lack of material distractions. Children go to colorful schools, play outside, grow up, and raise families. There is a lot of sitting around, talking, singing, church and praising God. People grow old together. Days consist of school and work, laundry and household chores. Nights consist of cooking, kids playing till the stars prevail, elders telling stories. Families help each other wind through the valleys and rivers encompassing their lives. People need one another. I see people meandering the streets with iphones, but I know that doesn’t necessarily mean they have access to the internet. In fact, I would say many do not have access, at least not nearly as readily as we do in much of the U.S. Can you imagine going back to the days without computers, without the internet, without constant communication?

Although I have much appreciation for this simple lifestyle, the other part of me is telling myself over and over how grateful I am for all that I have. I have opportunities to be whatever I want to be, whomever I want to be, I can live wherever and wear whatever. I can cook the kind of food I choose and the quality of food I desire, if something breaks I can usually fix it, get it fixed, or buy a new one. Everything is replaceable in our world. Is this a good thing?

I realize that on a day-to-day basis what often frustrates me is a direct correlation to the fact that there are so many possibilities in my little-big world. It is the many choices I have that overwhelms and can lead to confusion, or a feeling that I am not doing as much as I should be doing. It can create a feeling of ‘lacking,’ in a culture that can never seem to have or do enough.

The good news is that this awareness brings me back to my eternal philosophy believing in balance and blessings, in turn this brings peace, gratitude and forgiveness into my little world. Every time we have these thoughts of not doing enough, we must remember that we are lucky to have as many opportunities as we do. It is up to each of us to set the boundaries, the goals, the desires, ultimately to remember what is important.

Peace – Gratitude – Forgiveness xo

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Thoughts /// Inspiration from Panama

Did you know that if human thoughts are directed at water before it is frozen, the crystals will either be beautiful or ugly depending on whether your thoughts were positive or negative. So if you expose water to positive stimuli — like beautiful music, pictures of people in love, words of praise — and then freeze it and under a microscope, you get ice crystals that are symmetrical. On the flip side, if you play a Hitler speech to your water or pictures of people being murdered or say “I hate you” and then freeze it, the crystals are jagged and distorted. The thing is that our bodies are made of more than sixty percent water. If positive thoughts can impact an eight ounce glass of water, imagine the effect they might have on all of us.

Just something to think about..

Explore / Extrapolate / Expand on your thoughts..

..and do it with just a little love xo

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Cuisine Costa Rica Style

I have been pleasantly surprised with the food in Costa Rica.. Lots of fresh fruit, tico style breakfasts, meat, fish, yummy coffee, and perhaps some Imperial’s or sangria for desert. Tico style breakfasts consist of fresh fruit, eggs, rice and beans, toast or tortilla, and perhaps a little ‘queso fresco’ or fresh cheese. Tropical fruit is abundant in Central America, consisting of: plantains, bananas, pineapple, kiwi, papaya, mango, rambutan’s or “hairy leaches”, tamarindo, avocado, and of course coconuts. That is not quite the end of the list, but you get the idea. Meals are based on what is available and in season. There is no doubt that the influences of the US have proliferated, but ‘la comida tipico’ or the customary foods and traditions of Costa Rica, still presides.

What I have noticed most is that people take their time and enjoy their meals. Not surprisingly, in a culture that runs at a much slower pace on ‘tico time,’ eating is not simply about full bellies, but also about time together where food is prepared from scratch and stories are shared.

I have also noticed how much smaller portions are. The plates are smaller and so are the serving sizes, including coffees, deserts and prepackaged drinks. Yes, people eat bread and pasta, drink beer and wine, but it does not seem to be in the excess that Americans often do. This is not a concept unique solely to the countries in Central America however, as I often notice how much smaller portions are when venturing outside the US.

I love food for the sake that it can taste oh so amazing, nurtures our bodies inside and out, while bringing people together. I appreciate that much of this culture seems to share this thought process. xo

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To Central America with love

Where to begin my friends?! It’s been quite some time since I have posted, as a result of a busy and prosperous summer. Prosperous, in a wholesome and fulfilling light with friends, family and travels. I have spent the last week and a half backpacking around Costa Rica with one of my bestest friends and now my sister. It has been quite the adventure. We begun in San Jose and made our way over the mountains and through the valleys, traveling high and low to experience all that Costa Rica has to offer.

On the second night here, I had my entire backpack stolen from our hotel room, and although I felt disappointed and slightly taken advantage of, it makes me realize how lucky I am to live where I do with all that I have. The truth is that those goods have little importance to me, and yet to those who don’t have as much those material things are like gold. Ironically, I had the intention of giving away virtually all of my clothes at the end of my journey, but a higher power had a different plan in store for me.

Aside from that little bump in the road, this trip has been a fantastic adventure. Arenal was breathtaking, filled with a lake we skinny dipped in, a volcano to stare in awe of and waterfalls pouring out natures love. I convinced Mary Beth to go horseback riding while we were here, and to say the least that was more rigorous than anticipated. Nonetheless, being followed by blue butterflies through the mountains to a waterfall, with nature at your fingertips was a memory not to be forgotten.

After the adventures in Arenal, a pit stop was made in La Fortuna to deal with the policia from my robbery. However, we didn’t let this take more time than necessary and after our business was done here we quickly continued on to Playa Samara. The drive across this part of the country was amazing, not to mention the talks that were shared in transit, both bringing tears to my eyes and making me laugh till I cried.

Pulling into our tree top abode, Dos Aguas, it felt like Playa Samara was welcoming us with open arms. Did I mention that Mary Beth was taking photos in exchange for a few of the places we stayed; this meant we got the tree top suite which felt like the coolest tree fort anyone could ever dream of. After walking around and chatting with the locals, I immediately found comfort in this little beach town. I fell in love with the beach here, the cute restaurants and stores I frequented, and the people I met. Did I mention that Mary Beth and one of the girls who worked at Dos Aguas surprised me with a birthday cake?! Couldn’t think of a better way to ring in MY new year, than with one of my bestest friends in such a neat spot. What a lucky girl I am!

After staying in Samara for a couple days and regaining love for Costa Rica, we traveled long and far up to Nicoya, over and around to Malpais and Santa Theresa. This was one hell of a drive, with much time spent venturing over pot-holed, dirt roads that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. After five long hours, we picked up my little sissy at a bakery and spent the night at Casa Zen. This was a very cute surf town, where I drank yummy coffee, wandered the streets, ate delicious food and sacrificed my soul to the sun gods:)

Thankfully, our next stop Montezuma, was very close. This was yet another adorable beach town on the Pacific. Brightly painted wooden structures lined the streets and peaceful beaches were plentiful. Here we spent time on the beaches, zip lined through the jungle and jumped off waterfalls by day; listened to live music, enjoyed local drinks and played cards by night. There were times we were perhaps overly aware of our surroundings and who had their eyes on us, but this is what makes it an adventure and gives appreciation to where we come from.

From here, Mary Beth headed home and Cati and I continued by ferry to Jaco and down to Quepos. We spent brief time in Manuel Antonio, and then headed back to San Jose in order to venture to the other side – The Caribbean. We are now in Playa Viejo de Talamanca and I absolutely love the town. Once again I feel as though I am being watched over, wink wink. This town has been exactly what I was looking for, mellow and warm in more than one way.. I have thoroughly enjoyed lying in the sand reading, playing in the water and rejuvenating. The people have been friendly and our hotel is perfect. In a few days we plan on continuing south to Bocas del Toro and Panama City.

It is the times away from home, the times you are outside of your comfort zone that you discover more about yourself and more of what the world has to offer you. It is in these experiences that we shed our old layers and expose new facets of ourselves. It makes me think of snake shedding his skin or a butterfly flying out of her cocoon…

Pura Vida xo

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You don’t need many, but having a couple best friends can make all the difference. My mom used to always say, “you just need one.” As with most things, she was so right. It’s easy to think more is better, but having one or two you can count on is all you really need.

Thank you to all my amigos. I certainly wouldn’t be the person I am today without all of you..xo

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Learn To Love More

Practicing love is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself.  I often find that people create there own unhappiness, and equally there own happiness.  It is a constant effort, and life is hard.  Of course we all get sad or frustrated, disappointed, angry and so on, but we needn’t not wallow in this.  It’s important to get back on track, remembering you are creating your path and the uni-verse is presenting you with what you need.  You have heard this a thousand times – when you are happy and in love with yourself, happiness and love finds you.

What can you do to create more happiness and love?  I hear people, including myself, complain: “I’m bored with my job, I don’t know what I want to do with my life, my boyfriends isn’t doing what I want..”  If you are unhappy with your job what will you do to change this?  If you are frustrated with your lover what steps will you take to improve this?  Of course we cannot change certain situations, but we can change how we experience them.

I’m not claiming that its all easy-peasy and that we should never get frustrated or sad, but when you recognize these frustrations, implement change and new perspective, you allow yourself to experience what you are looking for.  In turn, you create happiness and love.

This happiness and love is contagious – so once you feel it, breathe it, swim in it – it has no choice but to radiate back and forth in everything you have your hands in.  It is an exchange within each area of your body and being, within all that you create and come in contact with.


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