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Posts from the ‘Body Maintenance’ category

A Little Love for Yourself

I will never stop talking about self care and how important taking time for oneself is.  It never gets old, because every day we need time for us, time to do what feels good.  This allows us to tune in to our deepest hearts desires, listen to our intuition and show up as the best versions of ourselves.

It can be so hard to say “no” to things you should do and instead make time for the things you want to do.  When we don’t make time for ourselves we are left feeling depleted and agitated.  One of my favorite things to do is take a bath.  This is a time to decompress and relax.  There is no phone, no talking or distractions.  I absolutely love lighting a candle, using bath salts and reading a magazine as part of my nightly, bath time ritual.  It is quiet and peaceful, at least in the confines of this sacred space.

How much time do you give yourself?  What things do you do to fill you up?  Just 15 minutes a day will change your world..

What’s one thing you would love to spend time doing? xoxo

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The Food You E A T: What is What?

A lot of the parents I work with ask what food’s count as what.  “I know an apple is a fruit, but does it have protein in it?”  When I ask some of my Head Start kids where meat comes from, they yell, “From the grocery store.”  I figured it might be good to break things down further.

The food pyramid puts our foods into categories: meats/beans, milk, fruit, vegetable, grains.  We also break food down into macronutrient groups: carbohydrates, fats and proteins; and then further into micronutrient groups: vitamins and minerals.  Just because a food is categorized as a  carbohydrate, doesn’t mean it is only made of carbohydrates or sugar molecules, it just means that this is the primary nutrient.  For instance, milk has protein, fat and carbohydrates in it.  It is certainly not all black and white!  Referring to the food label is also a good way to gain clarify on what a food is comprised of.  Eating a variety of Whole Foods is the best way to get as many nutrients in as possible.

Carbohydrates: These are found naturally in grains, vegetables, fruits and sometimes legumes. We need them in order to help fuel our brains and body every day. The most important are carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits. We do not need excess of grains or sugary foods such as: breads, pasta, tortillas, rice, cereal, crackers, chips, etc.

– Everyday Examples of “Good Carbohydrates”: Legumes, berries, melon, apples, pineapple, bananas, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and tomatoes.

Fats/Oil: Fats and oils are commonly perceived as being bad for your body, but in fact, the “good” fats that are found naturally in food are essential to maintain your hormones, maintain gut health, make cholesterol, and are incredibly beneficial to keep you fuller longer. The reason why fats were originally given a bad name was because of hydrogenated and ‘trans’ fats from processed foods and fast food restaurants.  These fats are not beneficial to us.

– Everyday Examples of “Good Fats”: Natural oils we cook with (such as butter/coconut oil/ghee/duck fat for heat and olive/avocado oil for cold foods), some dairy products (such as cheese, Greek yogurt, raw milk), bone broth, eggs, meats, fish, avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds.

Protein: Proteins help maintain body structures, muscles and brain development. Eating more proteins in combination with carbohydrates and fats can actually help you feel fuller longer.

– Everyday examples of “Proteins”: Chicken, beef, pork, turkey, lamb, fish/shellfish, sardines, oysters, tuna, nuts, seeds, cheeses, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, dairy, eggs, avocado, nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter etc.), beans, and some other vegetables.

Vitamins: We have always been told, “Make sure you take your vitamins”, because everyone knows that it’s important to receive your daily fix. But what most people do not know is that if you eat a balanced and nutritious diet, you will get the vitamins you need. Vitamins are the most basic helping tool to make your body function every day; as they help with your body create energy and metabolism.  Nonetheless, taking a quality multi vitamin (Garden of Life, New Chapter, Apex, Standard Process etc.), is never a bad idea being that many of us do not get enough nutrients!

– Everyday examples of “vitamin rich foods”: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, dark leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, almonds, beans/lentils, garbanzo beans, liver, oysters, tuna, milk, & bananas.

Minerals: Daily minerals are essential for a variety of body functions. They are important for building strong bones, teeth, skin, hair and other metabolic processes that help turn the food we eat into energy. Common minerals names include sodium, chloride, potassium and calcium; however there are many more. A balanced and healthy diet should provide enough minerals for most people.

– Everyday examples of “mineral rich foods: Fish, sardines, salmon spinach, liver, peas/beans, asparagus, mushrooms, dark green leafy vegetables, potatoes, bananas & prunes.

Water: The most important element of your daily diet should be water. Water plays many roles in the body including helping with your body temperatures and help transport nutrients throughout your body. Water should be the most important beverage you consume!

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The Secret Feel-Good Tool : Posture Perfect

Lately I have been noticing how many people walk around hunched over and slouching. Even at places like the gym I see guys walking around with their shoulders rolled forward in a slouched position. I can’t help but think of how much more confident they would look if they walked around a little taller.

Posture certainly affects us physically, but did you know how much it affects our mental and emotional health? Standing up straight is like telling the world you are open and ready to conquer whatever comes your way.

Here are 3 fascinating things that happen once our posture changes:
1. Increased energy.
2. More positive thoughts.
3. You actually feel better about yourself, and this in turn affects everything!


1. More Energy
Good circulation is crucial to keeping your mind alert, body energized and feeling good. Slumping tightens your chest and compresses your lungs — which means less oxygen circulating freely in your bloodstream, leaving you tired, stressed, and mentally foggy. While a slow, slumped walk drains us of our energy, a confident one builds our energy. It’s essentially a free, feel good tool to boost energy!

When we talk about body language, we can see the affects it has on relationships in the animal kingdom. Body language is used to express power through expansive postures – standing tall, spreading limbs and opening up the body. Think about how you feel when you stand up and keep your posture open, as opposed to closed. What do you notice? Studies have shown that standing up straight and tall can actually affect our decision-making subconsciously. Researchers have actually found that those people who use powerful poses not only felt more powerful and in control, but were also more likely to take a risky bet!

3. Better Digestion
Slouching after eating causes your stomach muscles to tighten, which can push stomach acid into your esophagus and cause heartburn. Standing, sitting up straight or walking allows your digestive system to work more efficiently, cutting down on gas and tummy pains.

4. Fewer Headaches
Headaches are a common by-product of our constant use of computers and other electronic gadgets — notice how gravity pull your head forward when you’re staring at a screen. This position pulls on neck muscles and nerves in the back of your head and cuts blood flow to the brain. The result: a throbbing head. Sit straighter and you’ll prevent the pain.

5. Less Back Pain
Need I say more?

Practice keeping your shoulders down and back, and stand up straight. How does this make your feel? You might be surprised by how people talk to you when you’re walking around in this confident posture vs. the slumped over posture. Let me know how it goes, I would love to hear from you!

If you would like to dig deeper, check out Amy Cuddy’s famous Ted Talk on her incredible insights about how posture changes our hormone levels.

Rooted in standing tall and proud.

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Shake it UP

Blue Bird Rising
almond milk, blueberries, raisins, almonds, walnuts & honey

almond milk, strawberries, dates, chia seeds & vanilla extract

Whole Hearted
almond milk, cantaloupe, banana, coconut butter, coconut, dates, cinnamon, almond butter & vanilla extract

almond Milk, coconut water, kale, banana, nut butter, dates & walnuts

almond milk, banana, dates, nut butter, coconut, flax seeds & granola

San Diego Happiness
coconut milk, Greek yogurt, banana, nut butter, dates & coconut

coconut milk, banana, blueberries, almond butter, protein blend

West Coast
coconut, water, kale, apple, lemon & ginger

Start Strong
coconut water, kale, spinach, celery, apple, chia seeds, flax seeds, dates, honey & spirulina

coconut milk, banana, orange, pineapple, nut butter & almonds

<- Immune, Inflammation, Infection ->
For Extra Boost Add:

– Bone broth
– Apple cider vinegar
– Collagen powder
– Carlson’s cod liver oil
– “Green Food”
– Bee products (local)
– Protein powder

*Use “unsweetened” milks and other products to keep sugars down.

Rooted in liquid nutrients.

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Stay True to YOU

Choose the people you spend your time with wisely.  The six people you spend the most time with will influence you the greatest.  We are products of our environment, so when trying to inflict change its best to remember that it is only natural to be influenced by those you see, speak to and spend time with.  It is so easy to get caught up with everyone else, remember to do the things you love.  Stay TRUE to YOU! xo

Rooted in staying true to YOU!

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What is Collagen and Why we Need it

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is part of the connective tissue for bones, muscles, blood cells, cartilage, arteries and organs. As you age, the production of collagen decreases, leading to a slew of potential side effects. Drinking beverages containing collagen powder, made from animal or fish materials, may be beneficial by helping offset some of that collagen loss.

Collagen is comprised of long chain proteins, and when you consume collagen powder – or collagen containing foods – your digestive system breaks down the proteins into amino acids. The amino acids are then absorbed and used as building blocks that support collagen production throughout the body. Collagen can then help heal the body from within. Collagen powders are a particularly rich source of the amino acids glycine and proline, which supports metabolic functions and detoxification – especially for bones, joints, cartilage, skin cells, hair and nails. Collagen is also important for healing the gut and strengthening the immune system.

For optimum digestion and absorption of amino acids, consume collagen powder on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before a meal.

Maple Pumpkin Collagen Shake
(makes 2 large or 4 small)

1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1 large navel orange, juiced
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
2 frozen bananas, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp collagen hydrolysate – Great Lakes Gelatin
Pinch sea salt

Put all ingredients into a blender and whizz until completely smooth and well blended, adding a dribble or two of filtered water if you find it too thick. Serve immediately.

Rooted in beautiful skin!

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Tips on Eating Out and About

Read these tips to get savvy on eating out, and set yourself up for success!

1. Don’t go out to a meal completely famished – have a healthy snack ahead of time: i.e. carrots and hummus, ham and cheese, scoop or two of almond butter, handful of nuts.

2. Ask for a glass of room temperature water with lemon – cold water impedes digestion.

3. Don’t eat the bread unless it’s really worth it.

4. Order tapas style – take your time and enjoy each dish.

5. Share appetizers and entrees or ask for a to go box at the same time your food is delivered.

6. Order dishes with a protein: i.e. shrimp cocktail, oysters, sushi, duck tacos, etc.

7. Wait to order the booze – alcohol spikes the blood sugar and can cause you to eat more! Order the alcohol with the meal, as protein with the alcohol will help you eat less.

8. Eat in a calm, happy atmosphere for better digestion – stress causes you to eat more and the blood goes to the limbs.

9. 80/20 rule – 80% makes up your health, 20% fun.
Sugar: alcohol, bread, pasta, rice, desert – choose one or two. Pick and choose what is worth it for you!

10. Ask for gluten free menu or gluten free options – this will cut down on the amount of sugar you are consuming automatically.

11. Ask to have your food cooked in butter – most restaurants use canola and soybean oil which are not beneficial to your health.

Rooted in making good choices out and about.

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TIPS for Traveling

Stay on track no matter where you are headed!  Use these simple tips to improve your travel experience – staying ahead of the game and not behind.  Set yourself up for success. xo

1. Pack your sneakers – to squeeze in a walk, run or exercise class. Aside from reaping the benefits of the exercise, this will also help you make better choices when eating out. If you know your schedule is jam packed, choose to walk early in the morning or later in the day.

2.   Bring healthy snacks
– hard boiled eggs
– sliced precooked organic sausage
– string cheese / organic cheese cubes
– mixed raw nuts
– pistachios
– indiv. packets of peanut butter/almond butter and apple
– homemade granola bars
– trail mix bites
– fruit
– cut up raw veggies (string beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumber) and hummus
– protein bars
– Kombucha

3. Find a market – upon arriving at your destination so you don’t rely on full service restaurants or end up famished.

4. Stay hydrated – with room temperature water.

5. Scope out the scene – so you know where to purchase healthy foods on the go, perhaps a local gym, café, etc.

6. Plan ahead – so you know when meals will be served and when you are on your own. Don’t have the starve and splurge mentality.

7. Pick and choose – when you go to a restaurant choose what you really want and eat slowly. Don’t eat everything just because it’s in sight: the bread, the pasta, the wine, the passed appetizers, the dessert, etc.

8. Be aware of alcohol intake – how often you are getting a pre or post dinner drink with co-workers, family or friends.

9. Try new food – enjoy your experience as much as you can and don’t be too hard on yourself.

10. Enjoy yourself!

Rooted in traveling healthily and comfortably.

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Grocery Shopping Tips

Does going to the grocery store give you anxiety?  This experience does not have to be horrid, scary, intimidating, and super costly!  In fact, it should be just the opposite.  Gain insight into the grocery shopping experience with these tips to help guide you..

1. Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store – The most nutritious foods are on outside!  P.S. it doesn’t matter if you are shopping at Whole Foods, the “whole” foods are still found on the perimeter of the store!  Although we all love Whole Foods, just because you shop there doesn’t mean everything is nutritious.

2. Shop According to What Is In-Season – Nutrient-rich and less expensive.  If its available to you, utilize your local fruit stand or farmers market.  This is a fantastic way to go all around!  If needed, supplement with frozen items for those foods not in season.

3. Subscribe to the Market Bulletins – This makes it much easier to purchase high quality items at a low cost.  This is your opportunity to purchase items that you may not normally buy!

4. Plan Ahead – Planning a few meals ahead keeps you in line with your wallet and your waist.  If you go to the store with a grocery list, you are more likely to stick to nutritious foods and less likely to come home with lots of unnecessary, less nutritious goods.

5. Buy Full-Fat Products – Fat does not make you fat!  Fat, is actually good for you!  Low-fat options have more sugar added.  Pay attention to labels as many foods you wouldn’t expect are often loaded with sugar and other fillers, such as; yogurt, salad dressings, packaged foods, cereal, etc.

6. Buy WHOLE foods as Much as Possible – Veggies, fruits, fish, meats, nuts etc.  Stick to foods that come from a plant and stay away from those made in a plant.  Buy packaged/pre-prepared foods in moderation.*

7. Pay Attention to Labels – Remember ingredients are listed in order by weight, so the predominant ingredients will be listed first.  As a general rule of thumb, if there are more than 10 ingredients listed or you can’t pronounce the ingredients, ditch the food, because your body probably won’t be able to recognize and appropriately digest the food either.  Remember to look at how many servings are offered, as the labels are based on serving size.  For example, if you ate 1 bag of goldfish with 20 grams of carbohydrate per serving, and the bag contained 3 servings total, you must multiply 20 x 3 = 60 grams of carbohydrate consumed.  Also, don’t forget about the sugar.  Although there is no adequate amount of sugar, try and stay under double digits per serving.

8. Watch Out for Buying “Liquid Calories” – Juices, smoothies, energy drinks, alcohol, etc. are filled with sugar and calories, so be aware with what choices you are making.  There are zillions of drinks on the market, and even if they are sold at a high end grocery store it does not mean they are healthy.  Remember, water is your best bet!

*Thrivemarket.com is an excellent place to purchase dried goods online, at a discount.  One advantage to this is you are less likely to buy unnecessary items!

Set yourself up for success, not failure.  If you would like extra support, set up an appointment today and we can transform your grocery shopping experience together!

Comfortably rooted in going to the market!

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Vegetarian Sources of Protein

Here are some of my favorite sources of protein, vegetarian or not!

Lentils (brown/green/red) – 18 grams / 1 cup
Chickpeas – 14 grams / 1 cup
Black Beans – 16 grams / 1 cup
Quinoa – 8 grams / 1 cup
Amaranth – 7 grams / 1 cup cooked
Hemp Seeds – 13 gramps / 3 tbsp.
Chia Seeds – 4 grams / 2 tbsp.
Spirulina – 4 grams / 1 tbsp.
Pumpkin Seeds – 8 grams / ¼ cup
Sesame, Sunflower and Poppy Seeds – 7 grams / ¼ cup
Green Peas – 8 grams / 1 cup
Broccoli – 8 grams / 1 cup
Artichokes – 8 grams / 1 cup
Tempeh – 12 grams / 1 cup (fermented soy)
Eggs – 7 grams / 1 egg
Nuts & Nut Butter – 5-8 grams / 2 tbsp.
Cottage Cheese – 25 grams / 1 cup
Avocado – 3 grams / 1 cup
Greek Yogurt – 20 grams / 1 serving

*Quantities are approximate and nutritional’s pertain to cooked foods.

*2 tbsp. = 1 ounce


Rooted in protein.

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